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Build a custom application that puts data to work for your customers and your business

Our seasoned programming team can help you deliver engaging Web experiences with custom applications that exceed your customers' expectations!

Programming Custom Applications

Do you have a business process that involves collecting data from multiple sources and then combining that data for analysis or presentation to an audience? 

Do you have an order process that is complex and multifaceted?

Our team can help you identify, quantify and analyze ROI to determine if a Web based application could save you time, improve customer support or give you a competitive advantage.

Some examples of custom Web applications we have done:

  • An online entry form for a musical competition, tied to a back-end system to manage those applications

  • An online system to capture local results from a sporting event  held in multiple locations across the country, with real time national ranking based on those results

  • A system to catalog video clips for user defined searches

  • An interactive order widget to configure and order custom shutters

  • A mix and match widget to order a combination of products and see real-time volume discounts

Our team focuses on understanding your requirements and objectives. We then architect a solution that meets your unique business process needs in a cost effective manner.

Let Graphtek Interactive help you create custom applications, increase profits and grow your business!

Contact Graphtek Interactive today to schedule your no-obligation consultation or call us now at (760) 341-4583.